Bankable Project Profile

Wpfreeware 6:49 AM Bankable Project Profile

Project Scope:

When planning industrial project operations, three main considerations must be taken into account: what work needs to be done, how the work will be carried out, and when the work will be completed.

Industrial project operations planning involves setting project goals, deliverables, tasks, deadlines, and costs. This includes feasibility assessment, business planning, layout design, technology selection, MEP design, and cost estimation. The project execution phase focuses on scheduling, budget control, and technology implementation.

Phase 1: Project Management

(i) Project Feasibility / Business Plan

We start by creating a detailed business plan. The feasibility and payback of the project is covered by the following points:

  • All sales cost with FOB
  • Operational Budget covering:
    • Manpower cost
    • Overhead Cost with each head
    • Utility and Engineering expenses
    • Other cost related to Operation in details
    • Financial and Other bank Charges

(ii) Project Parameters & Calculations

This includes the calculation of all parameters as

  • Area Requirement for activates
    • Production Floor
    • Production for output
    • Stores & Warehouses, Chemical Storage.
    • Utilities – Power house, Boiler Room, Air & Vacuum, ETP/WTP/RO , Tanks, Solar etc
    • Other Areas
  • Machines Requirement:
    • R&D Machines & Equipments
    • Lab & Testing Equipments
    • Production Machineries
    • Special Process –
    • Production Furniture and tools
    • Utilities requirement :
      • Power
      • Steam & Thermal heat
      • Air & Vaccmue
      • Water
      • Solar
      •  ETP , WTP & RO
      •  Gas & Other Fuels
    • Manpower Requirement :
      • Direct Manpower
      • Indirect Manpower
      • Non Production Manpower
    • Standard Productivity Benchmarking :
      • Process flow for each product
      • Standard SMV for each operation and product
      • Production Benchmarking for each product

(iii) Project Layout and Designing (Process flow)

To consolidate our plans, we will create the following:

  • Conceptual design & layout of Main Building
  • Conceptual design & layout of production Floors, Offices, canteen.
  • Detail design & layout of Utilities
  • Detail design & layout of Warehouses
  • Detail design & layout of Gate to Gate material movements

(iv) Technology / Machine selection

Careful selection of technology and machines will be based on the research of current champions of productivity and cost efficiency.
Selection of machines:

  • Production Machines
  • Lab & Testing
  • Warehouse & Material Handling
  • Selection of Utility Equipments:
    • Power & Lighting (Sub station, Transformer, Genset, BBT, Solar System, Skylights, Solar Tubes)
    • Steam (Steam Boiler, Thermal oil , Incineration)
    • Air (Condense, Compress)
    • Water (ETP, WTP, RO (ZLD) , Rain water harvesting )
    • Fire Fighting (Addressing system, Protection system, Firefighting System)
    • Networking, CC TV,PA system, Access control system.
    • Building Management System ( BMS) , Flow meters.
    • Selection of other equipments

(5) MEP Design , Drawing & BOQ

This includes , complete elctro-mechnanical design, drawing and detail BOM/BOQ for costing :

  • Steam & Condense Line
  • Thermal heat line
  • Cold & Hot water line ( Fresh & Process water)
  • Air & Vacuum Line
  • Sub-Station, HT, LT,BBT & Electrical distribution line
  • Lighting system
  • Lightening Safety System
  • Solar System
  • Plumbing
  • Rain water system
  • Drainages System
  • Fire addressing system
  • Fire Protection System
  • Fire Doors
  • Fire Hydrants & Sprinkles
  • BMS ( Building Management System)
  • Access Control system
  • Surveillance System (CC TV)
  • Networking
  • PA System

(vi) Total Project BOQ with Cost Estimation

Every small expense and detail taken into account, this section accounts for all factors needed in cost estimation. We format this information in the form of a projected fund and cash flow.

  • Land and Site development
  • Building
  • Plant and machines
  • Misc. Fixed Assets
  • Utility and Engineering
  • IT and System
  • Material handling and Storage
  • Compliance and Firefighting (as per current norms)
  • Security and advance Deposits
  • Pre-Operative Expenses (till commercial Production)
  • Working capital and margin Money

(vii) Project Execution

During execution, there will be real-time, online visibility to control the project in term of costs and funding requirements. We use this data to further minimize financial costs in the financial planning.

  • Project scheduling & T&A
  • Timely execution
  • Budget control
  • Selection of right technology with minimum cost
  • Ensuring every hardware are in place in the synchronized manner

(viii) LEED Certification

We will work closely with LEED consultant till LEED Certification as a coordinator and help to achieve maximum points based on management agreement


Phase 2: Operational Management

(i) Organization Building

Lean management systems are the heart and soul of our work, we work on the following from day one:
  • Creating the right Org. Structure
  • Grade and Structure
  • Manpower planning with Job Description
  • Recruitment and Training (Staff and Worker Level)
  • System and software development / implementation with
  • Integration before the production start

Quality Management System and Process Control set-up

  • Define Quality requirements for the factory
  • Define complete Process Control for each process
  • Development, Training and implementation of Process Control System.
  • Development, Training and implementation of Quality Control (QC), Quality Assurance (QA) System.
  • Quality Reports, documentation, recordkeeping and analysis

Other department & Section Set-up

  • • Set-up the marketing & merchandising systems
  • • Set-up R&D and sampling systems
  • • Set-up IE system
  • • Set-up Production System
  • • Set-up Planning system
  • • Set-up Utility , Engineering and maintenance system
  • • Set-up HR , Administration, protocol, security, compliance system
  • • Set-up Commercial and supply chain system
  • • Set-up Warehouse and stores systems
  • • Set-up Finance , Banking System
  • • Set-up IT and MIS system

SOP and KPI set-up

  • • Documentation and implementation of “Standard Operating Procedure” (SOP).
  • • Written Manual and Guideline for each Department and Section for smooth working.
  • • Standardization of “Key Performance Indicators” (KPI’s) for each position for clear Goal.
  • • KPI monitoring and analysis system.

Standard Budgeting and Control

  • • Standard budget set-up for each department
  • • Monitoring and controlling the budgets
  • • Cash Flow
  • MIS Reporting

    • • Daily, weekly, monthly reporting
    • • Management Dash- Board
    • • P&L report

Phase 3: ERP Design and Implementation

ERP Design and Implementation

This stage is highly recommended but optional. Our work in this area includes planning and designing software specific to the company’s requirements. The goal is to ensure smooth operation and online visibility for each department. We take care of development, report designing, training, and integration into the company.

Our ERP design aims to do the following:

  • Data organizing
  • Data mining
  • Data synthesizing
  • Report creation
  • Transparent Decision Support System (DSS)

DSS is a powerful and reliable tool that helps decision makers take actions with confidence. The ERP integrates with a company’s core profile (feasibility, liquidity and sustainability requirements) and aids leaders in making smart decisions.

The ERP platform is the foundation through which we aim to eliminate inefficiencies that result in drastic wastage. It offers centralized control in the following areas:

  • Account, Finance and Banking
  • Logistic & commercial
  • Store & Ware house
  • Purchase
  • Marketing & Merchandising
  • Maintenance, Engineering & Utilities
  • Industrial Engineering (IE)
  • Quality , QA and Process Control
  • Planning and order control
  • Production
  • HR , Recruitment, Payroll and Compliance
  • Management Information System (MIS)



  • Business Plan & Project Feasibility Report
  • Bank Proposal
  • Project Costing and Budgeting
  • Project Parameters Calculations
  • Area
  • Utility
  • Machines
  • Manpower
  • Product Productivity benchmarking
  • Design & Layout for each section
  • MEP Design, Drawing & BOQ
  • Machines & Equipment List
  • Project Master T&A
  • Project Progress Update – Weekly / Monthly


  • Standard Operational Budgeting (Cost structure)
  • Organization Structure & Manpower Planning
  • Training of manpower
  • Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for each department
  • Standard Report & Formats for each Department & Section
  • Process Flow and set-ups
  • MIS reports and Dashboard


  • ERP Design & Implementation across the company
  • Reporting system and Dashboard
  • MIS reports and analysis

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