Licensing and Certification

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Certificate/ License/ Permit Issuing Authorities

Licenses, certificates and permits are essential for ensuring that a business operates legally, builds trust with customers, accesses financial and market opportunities, and maintains high standards of quality and safety. They are foundational to the sustainable and successful operation of any business.

Key facts about company formation

  1. Company Name Approval (Search Here)
  2. Particulars of Shareholders-NID/Passport Copy, Photo, Contact No, Email ID
  3. Shareholding Structure
  4. Authorized Capital [Note: Fee depends on the amount of authorized capital.] (Fee Calculator)
  5. Paid-up Capital
  6. Registered Address
  7. Draft Memorandum of Association (MoA)
  8. The MoA articulates the primary business objectives and esctors that the company intends to pursue. It serves as a foundational document, defining the scope of the company’s business operations. If a company wants to change the line of business that is mentioned in the MoA, permission from the court will be required.

  9. Draft Articles of Association (AoA)
  10. The AoA governs the internal management and operational procedures of the company. It regulates the relationships between directors and shareholders, outlining their respective rights and responsibilities. In the case of joint ventures, it is crucial to incorporate any specific terms and conditions agreed upon by the joint venture partners into the AoA. This preemptive measure helps mitigate potential conflicts and ensures smooth collaboration among partners.

The main responsibility of NBR is to collect tax revenues (primarily, Value Added Tax, Customs Duty, Excise Duty and Income Tax ). It works with three tax-type wings namely, Customs Wing, VAT Wing and Income Tax Wing.

Obtaining a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for a company in Bangladesh involves several steps through the National Board of Revenue (NBR). Here’s a detailed guide on how to go about it:

Step 1: Company Registration

Before applying for a TIN, ensure that your company is properly registered with the relevant authorities:

  1. Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC): Register your company with the RJSC, which includes obtaining a Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum of Association, and Articles of Association.

Step 2: Prepare Necessary Documents

Ensure you have the following documents ready:

  1. Certificate of Incorporation: Proof of your company's registration.
  2. Memorandum and Articles of Association: Legal documents detailing the company’s structure and objectives.
  3. Company Seal Official company seal, which is often required for official documentation.
  4. Board Resolution: A resolution from the company’s board of directors authorizing the application for a TIN.
  5. Identification Documents:National ID or passport copies of the company’s directors.
  6. Business Address Proof: Utility bills or lease agreements as proof of the company's registered address.

Step 3: Application Submission

  1. Online Application: Visit the NBR's online portal (eTIN registration) at Create an account if you don’t have one.
  2. Form Filling: Fill out the online TIN registration form for companies. Provide accurate details about the company, such as:
    • Company name and registration number
    • Type of business
    • Business address
    • Director details
    • Contact information
  3. Document Upload: Upload scanned copies of the required documents.
  4. Submission: Submit the completed application form along with the uploaded documents.

Step 4: Verification and Approval

  1. Verification: The NBR will review the submitted application and documents.
  2. Approval: Once verified, the NBR will approve the application and issue a TIN certificate.

Step 5: Obtain TIN Certificate

  1. Download TIN Certificate: After approval, you can download the TIN certificate from the NBR portal.
  2. Print and Keep Safe: Print a copy of the TIN certificate and keep it in a safe place. You may need to present it for various business transactions and regulatory requirements.

NBR will handle the followings:

  1. Personal TIN
  2. Company TIN
  3. Value Added Tax (VAT)
  4. Custom Bond License

Industrial Project Registration

Service Description and Procedure :

All Bangladesh industrial enterprise is required to be registered with Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA).

The investor is required to apply online through the portal.

Required Documents:

For local investment project:

  1. Attachment of Company's Comments as per BIDA Requirement
  2. Others necessary documents (please attach if any)
  3. According to the industrial policy, 2016 NOC from concern Ministry/Directorate/ Department for the controlled sector to be submitted
  4. Project profile if project cost is 100 million above
  5. List of Directors with Nationality & Address
  6. Land Purchase/Rental deed agreement of Project.
  7. Up to date TIN Certificate
  8. Trade License
  9. Memorandum and Article of Association
  10. Certificate of Incorporation

For foreign investment/ joint venture project:

  1. Attachment of Company's Comments as per BIDA Requirement
  2. According to the industrial policy, 2016 NOC from concern Ministry/Directorate/ Department for the controlled sector to be submitted
  3. Encashment certificate
  4. List of Machineries Local & Imported to be submitted in official pad of the company
  5. Project profile if project cost is 100 million above
  6. List of Directors with Nationality & Address
  7. Land Purchase/Rental deed agreement of Project.
  8. Up to date TIN Certificate
  9. Trade License
  10. Memorandum and Article of Association
  11. Certificate of Incorporation
  12. Others necessary documents (please attach if any)

Application Fee

  1. For (1-100,000,000) BDT - 5000 BDT
  2. For (100,000,001-250,000,000) BDT - 10,000 BDT
  3. For (250,000,001-500,000,000) BDT - 25,000 BDT
  4. For (500,000,001-1,000,000,000) BDT - 50,000 BDT
  5. For (1,000,000,001-1,000,000,000,000,000) BDT - 100,000 BDT

Obtaining a trade license in Bangladesh involves navigating through the requirements and procedures set by the local government authorities. By following these steps and ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations, you can obtain and maintain a trade license for your business, enabling you to operate legally and efficiently.

1. Determine the Local Authority:

Trade licenses are issued by local government authorities, such as City Corporations, Municipalities, or Union Parishads, depending on the location of your business. Identify the appropriate authority responsible for issuing trade licenses in your area.

2. Gather Required Documents:

Before applying for a trade license, gather the necessary documents. While specific requirements may vary depending on the local authority and the nature of your business, typical documents may include:

  • Application form (available from the local authority)
  • National ID card and Photo of promotor
  • Incorporation documents (for companies)
  • Proof of ownership or lease agreement for the business premises
  • Site plan or layout plan of the business premises
  • Trade license fee payment receipt
  • Any other documents requested by the local authority

3. Fill Out the Application Form:

Obtain the trade license application form from the local authority's office or website. Fill out the form accurately and completely, providing all required information and attaching the necessary documents.

4. Submit the Application:

Submit the filled-out application form along with the required documents to the designated office of the local authority. Ensure that you pay the applicable fee for the trade license application.

5. Inspection:

For some cases, the local authority may conduct an inspection of your business premises to verify compliance with safety, health, and zoning regulations. Cooperate with the inspection team and address any issues identified during the inspection.

6. Approval and Issuance:

Once the application is processed and all requirements are met, the local authority will approve the issuance of the trade license. You will receive the trade license document, typically containing details such as the name and address of the business, the type of business activity permitted, and the validity period.

7. Renewal:

Trade licenses in Bangladesh are usually valid for a specified period, after which they must be renewed. Keep track of the expiration date of your trade license and initiate the renewal process before the expiry date to avoid any interruptions in your business operations.

Visit website of below authorities to learn more about issuing the Trade Licenses

  1. Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC)
  2. Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC)
  3. Narayanganj City Corporation
  4. Gazipur City Corporation

An Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) is essential for businesses and industries that may impact the environment. To Obtainn an Environmental Clearance Certificate in Bangladesh involves detailed documentation, assessment of environmental impact, and compliance with regulatory standards. By following these steps and maintaining adherence to the conditions set by the Department of Environment, businesses can operate responsibly while minimizing their environmental footprint.

1. Determine the Category of Your Business:

Businesses and industries in Bangladesh are categorized based on their potential environmental impact. The categories are:

  • Green (low impact)
  • Orange-A (medium impact)
  • Orange-B (high impact)
  • Red (very high impact)

Determine which category your business falls into by consulting the Environment Conservation Rules, 1997, or the DoE below linked website.

2. Prepare Required Documents:

Gather the necessary documents based on your business category. The documentation requirements vary but generally include:

  • Application Form-3 (available from the DoE website or office)
  • NID of the entrepreneur
  • Project profile or feasibility report
  • Process flowchart and list of raw materials and products
  • No objection certificate (NOC) from the local authority (As per DOE Format)
  • Location map and layout plan of the project site
  • Land ownership documents or lease agreement
  • Industrial Establishment or Project Investment Division/ BIDA/ BSCIC / Textile Directorate Registration Certificate (where applicable);
  • Trade License
  • Complete Mauza map marked with Dag number in Connection with Khatian;
  • Fire License
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report (for Orange-B and Red categories)
  • Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) report (for Orange-A category)
  • Treasury challan (payment receipt of applicable fees)
  • Other information required (if applicable).

3.Submit the Application:

Step: 1

Application submission through ONLINE System

Step: 2

Submit the filled-out application form along with all required documents to the Department of Environment. Applications can be submitted to the Divisional or District Office of the DoE, depending on the location of your business.

4. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Public Hearing:

For businesses categorized under Orange-B and Red, conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is mandatory. The EIA process includes:

  • Scoping: Identifying the key environmental issues.
  • ublic Hearing: Gathering public opinions and concerns regarding the project.
  • EIA Report: Documenting the findings and proposing mitigation measures.

5. Renewal and Monitoring

The ECC is typically valid for one year and must be renewed annually. To renew the ECC, submit a renewal application along with an updated environmental management plan and any other required documents. The DoE may conduct periodic inspections to ensure ongoing compliance with environmental standards.

  • Online Renewal Application
  • Other License like - Updated Trade License, Fire License, Factory License, Boiler Certificate, TIN, VAT, BERC, Explosives, Etc
  • Treasury challan (payment receipt of applicable fees)
  • Other information required (if applicable).

Approving an industrial building layout in Bangladesh involves several steps and coordination with various governmental authorities to ensure compliance with regulatory, safety, and environmental standards. Here is a detailed guide on how to navigate this process:

1.Prepare Necessary Documents and Plans:

Before applying for approval, gather the necessary documents and prepare detailed plans. Key documents typically include:

  • Detailed site plan and building layout
  • Architectural drawings
  • Structural drawings
  • Land ownership documents or lease agreement
  • Land Clearance
  • Environmental clearance certificate (if applicable)
  • Fire safety plan
  • Utility connection plans (water, electricity, sewage)

2. Consult Local Authorities:

Identify the relevant local authorities responsible for approving industrial building layouts. These authorities typically include:

  • Local City Corporation or Municipality: For general building approval and land use compliance.
  • Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK): If the project is within the Dhaka metropolitan area.
  • Department of Environment (DoE): For environmental clearance.
  • Fire Service and Civil Defense (FSCD): For fire safety approval.
  • Public Works Department (PWD): For certain types of buildings, particularly those involving public funds or larger infrastructures.

3. Submit the Application:

Submit your application along with the required documents to the relevant local authority. Ensure that you include:

  • Completed application form (available from the local authority's office or website)
  • Copies of all prepared plans and documents
  • Proof of payment of applicable fees

4. Review and Preliminary Approval:

The local authority will review the submitted documents to ensure compliance with zoning laws, building codes, and land use regulations. This review process may involve:

  • Zoning Clearance: Ensuring the proposed use of the land is consistent with zoning regulations.
  • Site Inspection: Physical inspection of the site by the local authority to verify the details provided in the application.

5. Specialized Approvals:

Depending on the nature and location of your industrial building, you may need to seek additional approvals from specialized agencies:

  • Environmental Clearance: From the Department of Environment (DoE) if the project impacts the environment.
  • Fire Safety Approval: From the Fire Service and Civil Defense (FSCD) to ensure compliance with fire safety standards.
  • Utility Connections: Approvals for water, electricity, and sewage connections from respective utility providers.

6.Detailed Plan Examination:

The local authority, often in conjunction with other relevant agencies, will conduct a detailed examination of the architectural and structural plans. This step ensures that the proposed building meets all safety, health, and structural integrity standards.

7. Approval and Issuance of Building Permit:

Once all reviews and inspections are satisfactorily completed, the local authority will grant approval and issue a building permit. The permit allows you to proceed with the construction of the industrial building. The permit will include:

  • Conditions and requirements that must be adhered to during construction
  • Validity period of the permit

8. Compliance During Construction:

Ensure ongoing compliance with the conditions set forth in the building permit during the construction phase. This may involve periodic inspections by local authorities to verify adherence to approved plans and standards.

9. Final Inspection and Occupancy Certificate:

Upon completion of construction, request a final inspection from the local authority. If the building complies with all approved plans and conditions, you will be issued an Occupancy Certificate, allowing you to use the building for industrial purposes.

Visit website of below authorities to learn more

  1. Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
  2. Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK)
  3. Public Works Department (PWD):

The Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) provides various licenses to ensure that factories and commercial establishments operate legally and safely in Bangladesh. These licenses help regulate labor practices, ensure workplace safety, and promote compliance with environmental and health standards. Businesses must adhere to these regulations and maintain proper licensing to operate smoothly and legally.

Here are the primary types of licenses provided by DIFE:

Factory License:

Key Requirements:

  • Trade License
  • Land ownership documents or lease agreement
  • NID of Applicant
  • Environmental clearance (if applicable)
  • Details of machinery and equipment.
  • Fire safety clearance from the Fire Service and Civil Defense (FSCD).

Factory Layout Plan Approval

Key Requirements:

  • Trade License
  • Land ownership documents or lease agreement
  • NID of Applicant
  • Environmental clearance (if applicable)
  • Soil Test Report of the land
  • Structural Design/Drawing certified by Engineer/Architecture
  • Load Bearing Certificate certified by Engineer/Architecture
  • Occupancy Certificate certified by Engineer/Architecture
  • Detailed Structural Design Approval by Local Authority
  • Necessary fees

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Certification:

Key Requirements:

  • Implementation of safety protocols and equipment.
  • Regular health check-ups for workers.
  • Safety training programs.
  • Compliance with OHS regulations.

The Fire Service and Civil Defence (FSCD) in Bangladesh provides several types of support to industries to enhance fire safety and ensure compliance with fire safety regulations.

These supports include:

1. Issuance of Fire Licenses

Necessary document to obtain Fire License

  • Application Form: Obtain and fill out the fire license application form from the FSCD.
  • NID of the promotor
  • Building Plan: A detailed building plan that shows the layout, including fire safety measures.
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC): If applicable, a NOC from relevant authorities.
  • Trade License: A copy of your business’s trade license.
  • Ownership Documents: Proof of ownership or lease agreement of the premises.
  • Fire Safety Measures: Details of installed fire safety equipment and systems (fire alarms, extinguishers, hydrants, etc.).

2. Training and Education

3. Detailed Fire Safety Layout Plan approval of Building

4. NOC for High Rise Building

The CCI&E plays a significant role in the trade policy formulation of Bangladesh. The main objectives of the project are to promote the national trade and generate more revenue for the government. By proper monitoring and supervising the rules and regulations of the trade policy, government can improve imports and exports activities of the country.

The Services rendered by the CCI&E are important in the perspective of facilitation of trade which run thus:

  • Issuance of Industrial & Commercial Import Registration Certificate (IRC).
  • Issuance of Export Registration Certificate (ERC)
  • Issuance of Indenting Registration Certificate (Indenting RC)
  • Other export and import related activities

Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining an IRC in Bangladesh

Necessary following Documents

  • Form: Obtain the IRC application form from the CCIE office or their website.
  • Trade License: A copy of your valid trade license.
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN): A copy of your TIN certificate.
  • Bank Solvency Certificate: Issued by your bank, proving your financial stability.
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association: For limited companies.
  • Partnership Deed: In case of partnership firms
  • National ID Card: Copy of the national ID card of the business owner or directors.
  • VAT Registration Certificate: Copy of the VAT registration certificate.
  • Updated Membership Certificate of concerned Trade Association/ Recognized Chamber Copy of the Membership certificate.
  • Updated Fire License Copy of Up to date Fire License of Factory
  • Environment Clearance Certificate Copy of Environment Clearance (If applicable)
  • Bank Draft/Pay Order: Payment of the prescribed fee.
  • Other information required (if applicable).

Submit the Application

Online filling up Form is needed to apply

Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining an ERC in Bangladesh

Necessary following Documents

  • Form: Obtain the ERC application form from the CCIE office or their website.
  • Trade License: A copy of your valid trade license.
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN): A copy of your TIN certificate.
  • Bank Solvency Certificate: Issued by your bank, proving your financial stability.
  • Updated Membership Certificate of concerned Trade Association/ Recognized Chamber Copy of the Membership certificate.
  • National ID Card: Copy of the national ID card of the business owner or directors.
  • Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association and FORM-12: For limited companies.
  • Partnership Deed: In case of partnership firms
  • Bank Draft/Pay Order: Payment of the prescribed fee.
  • Other information required (if applicable).

Submit the Application

Online filling up Form is needed to apply

Obtaining a Bond License in Bangladesh is essential for businesses involved in importing goods under the bonded warehouse system, where imported goods are stored without immediate payment of duty. This license is regulated by the National Board of Revenue (NBR).

Here’s a detailed guide on how to obtain a Bond License in Bangladesh:

1. Understand the Requirements

Before applying, ensure your business meets the eligibility criteria for operating a bonded warehouse, including having a valid business setup and complying with the relevant laws and regulations.

2. Prepare Necessary Documents:

  • Application Form: Click Here to obtain the bond license application form
  • Trade License: A copy of your valid trade license.
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN): A copy of your TIN certificate.
  • VAT Registration Certificate: Copy of the VAT registration certificate.
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association: For limited companies
  • Partnership Deed: In case of partnership firms.
  • National ID Card: Copy of the national ID card of the business owner or directors.
  • Bank Solvency Certificate: Issued by your bank, demonstrating financial stability.
  • Bonded Warehouse Agreement: A draft agreement for the bonded warehouse.
  • Company Profile: Detailed profile of your company including business activities, financial statements, and other relevant information.
  • Site Plan: Detailed layout and site plan of the proposed bonded warehouse.
  • Fire Safety Certificate: Certificate from the Fire Service and Civil Defence ensuring fire safety compliance.
  • Other information required (if applicable).

The Export Promotion Bureau of Bangladesh plays a multifaceted role in fostering the country's export growth by providing a range of services and support to exporters. Its efforts in market development, capacity building, policy advocacy, and export facilitation are crucial for enhancing the competitiveness of Bangladeshi products in the global market. For more detailed information and resources, exporters can visit the EPB's official website or contact their offices directly.

Here is an overview of the roles and responsibilities of the EPB:

  • Policy Advocacy and Formulation
  • Market Development and Promotion
  • Capacity Building and Training
  • Export Facilitation
  • Export Incentives and Support
  • Quality and Standards Compliance
  • Trade Policy Implementation
  • Export Data and Statistics
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Collaboration and Networking

Common Necessary Documents to obtain EPB Certificate:

  • Application Form: Obtain and complete the EPB certificate application form.
  • Trade License: A copy of your valid trade license.
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN): A copy of your TIN certificate.
  • VAT Registration Certificate: A copy of your VAT registration certificate.
  • Bank Solvency Certificate: Issued by your bank, proving your financial stability.
  • Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association: For limited companies.
  • National ID Card: Copy of the national ID card of the business owner or directors.
  • Export Order: A copy of a recent export order or letter of credit.
  • Chamber of Commerce Membership: Proof of membership in a relevant Chamber of Commerce or trade association.
  • Fire Safety Certificate: Certificate from the Fire Service and Civil Defence ensuring fire safety compliance.
  • Export Registration Certificate (ERC): Certificate from CCI&E
  • Other information required (if applicable).

Trade associations in Bangladesh play a vital role in representing the interests of businesses within specific industries, promoting trade, and facilitating economic growth. They provide a platform for advocacy, networking, and support services to their members.

Here is an overview of some of the key trade associations in Bangladesh:

1. Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI)

  • Role: The apex trade organization representing the private sector in Bangladesh.
  • Services: Advocacy, policy recommendations, trade facilitation, and business development services.
  • Website: FBCCI

2. Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA)

  • Role: Represents the readymade garment (RMG) industry, the largest export sector in Bangladesh.
  • Services: Trade promotion, compliance support, capacity building, and advocacy.
  • Website: BGMEA

3. Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA)

  • Role: Represents the interests of knitwear manufacturers and exporters.
  • Services: Training, advocacy, market promotion, and compliance support.
  • Website: BKMEA

4. Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI)

  • Role: Provides support to businesses in Dhaka and works to promote trade and investment.
  • Services: Business advocacy, training, networking events, and market information.
  • Website: DCCI

5. Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI)

  • Role: Supports businesses in the Chittagong region, which is a key commercial hub.
  • Services: Advocacy, trade facilitation, business development, and networking.
  • Website: CCCI

6. Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA)

  • Role: Represents the textile mills sector, promoting the development and export of textiles.
  • Services: Advocacy, industry research, and member services.
  • Website: BTMA

7. Exporters Association of Bangladesh (EAB)

  • Role: Promotes and supports the export sector.
  • Services: Advocacy, trade promotion, and export facilitation.
  • Website: EAB

8. Leather Goods and Footwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB)

  • Role: Represents the leather goods and footwear industry.
  • Services: Trade promotion, compliance support, and advocacy.
  • Website: LFMEAB

9. Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS)

  • Role: Represents the information technology (IT) and software industry.
  • Services: Industry advocacy, capacity building, networking, and market development.
  • Website: BASIS

10. Bangladesh Frozen Foods Exporters Association (BFFEA)

  • Role: Represents the frozen food industry, including shrimp and fish exporters.
  • Services: Trade promotion, quality assurance, and industry advocacy.
  • Website: BFFEA

11. Bangladesh Agro-Processors’ Association (BAPA)

  • Role: Represents the agro-processing industry.
  • Services: Advocacy, market access, and industry development support.
  • Website: BAPA

12. Bangladesh Association of Pharmaceuticals Industries (BAPI)

  • Role: Represents the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.
  • Services: Advocacy, regulatory support, and industry promotion.
  • Website: BAPI

Importance of Trade Associations

  • Advocacy and Lobbying: Trade associations advocate for policies and regulations that benefit their members and the industry as a whole.
  • Networking Opportunities: They provide platforms for businesses to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge.
  • Industry Standards and Compliance Many associations set industry standards and help members comply with regulations and best practices.
  • Training and Development: They offer training programs to enhance the skills and capabilities of the workforce.
  • Market Promotion: Trade associations often engage in activities to promote their industries in both domestic and international markets.

Boiler registration in Bangladesh involves a series of steps regulated by the Office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers under the Ministry of Industries. This certificate is essential for ensuring that boilers meet safety standards and regulations.

Here's a detailed guide on how to obtain a boiler certificate in Bangladesh:/p>

Following Necessary documents are needed for the application process:

  • Application Form: Obtain the boiler certificate application form from the Office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers or download it from their website.
  • Technical Specifications: Detailed technical specifications of the boiler, including design, materials, and construction details.
  • Manufacturer's Data Report:Report from the boiler manufacturer detailing the manufacturing process and materials used.
  • Test Certificates: Certificates of the tests conducted during and after the manufacturing of the boiler.
  • Installation Drawings: Detailed drawings and plans of the boiler installation.
  • Inspection Reports: Reports from initial inspections conducted by certified inspectors.

Boiler Registration

Before applying for the certificate, the boiler must be registered with the Office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers. Submit the application form along with the technical specifications and other required documents for registration.

Inspection and Testing

After registration, the boiler must undergo inspection and testing by certified boiler inspectors. This includes:

  • Initial Inspection: Conducted by an inspector to check the boiler's compliance with technical standards and safety regulations.
  • Hydrostatic Test: A pressure test to ensure the boiler can handle the specified pressure without leaks.
  • Operational Test: Testing the boiler under operating conditions to ensure it functions correctly and safely.

Submit the Application with Fee

Submit the completed application form along with all the required documents, inspection reports, and test certificates to the Office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers.

Pay the applicable fees for processing the boiler certificate. The fee structure can be obtained from the Office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers or their official website. Ensure to keep a receipt of the payment for future reference.

Schedule an Inspection

Once your application is received and verified, an inspection date will be scheduled. The inspection will be conducted by an authorized boiler inspector from the Office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers.

Prepare for the Inspection

Ensure that the boiler and its installation site are prepared for the inspection. This includes:

  • Ensuring the boiler is clean and accessible.
  • Making sure all safety devices and controls are operational.
  • Having a responsible person available to assist the inspector during the inspection.

Inspection Process

The boiler inspector will:

  • Conduct a thorough inspection of the boiler and its components.
  • Check for compliance with safety standards and regulations.
  • Test the boiler’s performance and safety features.

Obtaining a Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) license or certificate involves a series of steps to ensure compliance with regulatory standards for energy generation, transmission, distribution, or trading activities. The BERC is responsible for regulating the energy sector in Bangladesh, including electricity, gas, and petroleum products.

Here is a detailed guide on how to obtain a BERC license in Bangladesh:

1. Identify the Type of License

Determine the specific type of license you need based on your business activities. BERC issues different licenses for generation, transmission, distribution, and trading of energy resources.

2. Understand the Requirements

Familiarize yourself with the BERC Act and relevant regulations. Ensure your business meets all technical, financial, and safety standards required for the license.

3. Prepare Necessary Documents

Gather the required documents. Although the exact requirements may vary depending on the type of license, the following documents are generally required:

  • Application Form: Obtain and fill out the relevant BERC license application form.
  • Company Registration Documents: Copies of your company’s registration certificate, memorandum and articles of association.
  • Technical Feasibility Study: Detailed technical study demonstrating the feasibility of your project.
  • Environmental Clearance Certificate: Clearance from the Department of Environment.
  • Financial Statements: Recent audited financial statements of your company.
  • Project Plan: Detailed project plan, including site layout, design specifications, and implementation schedule.
  • Safety and Risk Management Plan: Plan outlining safety measures and risk management strategies.
  • Proof of Payment: Evidence of payment of the application fee.

4. Submit the Application

Submit the completed application form along with all required documents to the BERC office. Ensure that the application is complete and all documents are accurately provided to avoid delays.

5. Review and Evaluation

BERC will review your application and may request additional information or documentation if needed. They will evaluate the technical, financial, and environmental aspects of your project.

6. Public Hearing (if applicable)

For certain types of licenses, a public hearing may be required to gather feedback from stakeholders and the public. This step is crucial for maintaining transparency and addressing any public concerns.

7. Inspection and Verification

BERC may conduct site inspections to verify the information provided in the application and to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. Ensure that your project site is prepared for inspection.

8. Address Any Issues

If BERC identifies any issues or deficiencies during the review or inspection, address them promptly and provide the necessary corrections or additional information.

Obtaining industrial power in Bangladesh involves a series of steps that typically include application processes, compliance with regulatory requirements, and coordination with utility providers.

Here is a detailed guide to help you understand how to secure industrial power for your facility:

1. Assess Power Requirements

  • Determine Load Requirements: Calculate the total power requirement for your industrial facility, including machinery, equipment, lighting, and other electrical loads.
  • Future Expansion: Consider potential future expansion needs to ensure the power supply can accommodate growth.

1. Identify the appropriate power supplier Provider

Determine the local electricity distribution company responsible for your area. This could be:

2. Common Required Documents for Industrial Power Connection

  • Application Form: Obtain the application form for an industrial power connection from the utility provider’s office or website.
  • Company Registration Documents: Copies of your business registration and trade license.
  • Land Ownership or Lease Documents:Proof of ownership or lease agreement for the premises where the power connection is needed.
  • Load Plan: Detailed load plan indicating the power requirements and distribution within the facility.
  • Electrical Layout: Electrical layout and schematic diagrams of the internal wiring and distribution system.
  • National ID Card: Copy of the national ID card of the authorized person applying for the connection.
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC): NOC from the local municipality or relevant authority, if required.

3. Submission of Application

Fill out the application form accurately and attach all required documents and submit the completed application to the office of the utility provider.

4. Inspection and Feasibility Study

  • Site Inspection:The utility provider will conduct a site inspection to assess the feasibility of providing the required power connection.
  • Technical Evaluation: The technical team will evaluate the load plan, electrical layout, and the existing infrastructure to determine the necessary upgrades or installations.

5. Approval and Cost Estimate

  • Approval Process:Once the inspection and evaluation are completed, the utility provider will process your application for approval.
  • Cost Estimate:You will receive a cost estimate for the connection, including any charges for infrastructure upgrades, installation, and security deposits.

6. Payment of Charges

  • Payment: Pay the required charges as per the cost estimate provided by the utility provider. Ensure you keep the receipts as proof of payment.

7. Installation of Infrastructure

  • Infrastructure Upgrades: The utility provider will proceed with the necessary infrastructure upgrades, which may include installing transformers, substations, or extending distribution lines.
  • Internal Wiring: Ensure that the internal wiring and electrical installations within your facility comply with safety standards and regulations.

8. Connection and Meter Installation

  • Connection Setup:Once the infrastructure is in place, the utility provider will connect your facility to the power grid.
  • Meter Installation: An industrial-grade electricity meter will be installed to measure your power consumption.

9. Testing and Commissioning

  • Testing: The utility provider will conduct tests to ensure that the connection is stable and meets the required safety standards.
  • Commissioning: After successful testing, the power supply will be commissioned, and you can start using industrial power for your facility.

Obtaining an industrial gas connection in Bangladesh involves a systematic process that includes application, compliance with safety and regulatory standards, and coordination with the relevant gas distribution company.

1. Assess Gas Requirements

  • Determine Gas Needs Calculate the total gas requirement for your industrial facility, including machinery, heating, and other uses.
  • Future Expansion: Consider potential future expansion to ensure the gas supply can accommodate growth.

Identify the appropriate Gas supplier Provider

Determine the local Gas distribution company responsible for your area. This could be:

Securing an industrial water connection in Bangladesh involves a series of steps including application, compliance with regulatory requirements, and coordination with the relevant water supply authority.

Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA)

Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA) is a service oriented autonomous commercial organization in the Public sector, entrusted with the responsibility of providing water supply, sewerage disposal (wastewater), and storm water drainage services to the urban dwellers of the fast-growing metropolitan Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. It covers more than 360 sq. km service area with 12.5 million people with a production of almost 2110 million liters per day (MLD). Dhaka WASA faces a number of challenges. These include unplanned city development and informal settlements, transitioning to using surface water instead of groundwater, and large investment funding. But Dhaka WASA has a number of notable achievements including significant increase in water production and productivity, improved service quality, increased revenue, reduction of non-revenue water, and provision of water supply at low cost.

Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA)

Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) was first established in 1963 under the Water Supply and Sewerage Ordinance 1963.

Rajshahi Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (RWASA)

Rajshahi Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, commonly known as Rajshahi WASA or RWASA is a Bangladesh government service agency.

Obtaining certification from the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) is crucial for ensuring that your products meet the national standards for quality and safety.

Here is a detailed guide on how to go through the BSTI certification process:

1. Identify Applicable Standards

  • Determine Relevant Standards: Identify the BSTI standards that apply to your product. You can find these standards on the BSTI website or by contacting BSTI directly.
  • Review Requirements: Thoroughly review the standards to understand the requirements and specifications your product must meet.

2. Prepare Your Product

  • Compliance Preparation: Ensure your product is manufactured in accordance with the relevant BSTI standards. This may involve adjusting manufacturing processes, materials, or quality control measures.
  • Documentation: Prepare detailed documentation of your product’s design, manufacturing process, and quality control procedures.

3. Prepare Necessary Documents

  • Application Form: Obtain the application form for BSTI certification from the BSTI office or download it from their website.
  • Company Registration Documents: Copies of your business registration and trade license.
  • Product Samples: Samples of the product you wish to certify.
  • Product Specifications: Detailed specifications and technical drawings of the product.
  • Quality Control Procedures: Documentation of your quality control procedures.
  • Testing Reports: Any previous testing reports if available.

4. Product Testing and Inspection

  • Testing: BSTI will conduct tests on your product samples to verify compliance with the relevant standards. This testing is typically done in BSTI laboratories.
  • Inspection: An on-site inspection of your manufacturing facility may be conducted to ensure that the production processes meet BSTI standards.

5. Review and Evaluation

  • Evaluation: BSTI will evaluate the test results and inspection reports to determine if your product complies with the standards.
  • Rectify Deficiencies: If any non-compliance or deficiencies are identified, you will need to address them and may have to resubmit your product for testing.

Registering a trademark in Bangladesh involves several steps to ensure your brand's name, logo, or other identifiers are legally protected. The Department of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (DPDT) under the Ministry of Industries is responsible for trademark registration in Bangladesh. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the process:

Step-by-Step Guide to Registering a Trademark in Bangladesh

1. Preliminary Search

  • Conduct a Search: Before filing a trademark application, it’s advisable to conduct a preliminary search to check if there are any existing trademarks similar to yours. This can be done through the DPDT database or by hiring a trademark attorney.
  • Evaluate Availability: Ensure that your trademark is distinctive and not similar to any existing trademarks to avoid rejection.

2. Prepare the Application

  • Choose the Class: Determine the appropriate class for your goods or services according to the Nice Classification, which categorizes goods and services for trademark registration.
  • Application Form: Obtain and fill out the trademark application form (Form TM-1 for a single class, Form TM-2 for multiple classes).
  • Required Documents: Prepare the necessary documents, which typically include:
    • Applicant Details:Name, address, and nationality of the applicant.
    • Trademark Details: Representation of the trademark (logo, name, etc.).
    • List of Goods/Services:Detailed list of goods or services the trademark will cover.
    • Power of Attorney:If an agent or attorney is filing the application on behalf of the applicant.

3. Submit the Application

  • Filing the Application: Submit the completed application form along with the required documents to the DPDT. This can be done in person or via an online portal if available.
  • Pay the Fee: Pay the prescribed application fee. Keep the receipt as proof of payment.

4. Application Examination

  • Formal Examination: The DPDT will conduct a formal examination to check if the application complies with all the filing requirements.
  • Substantive Examination: A substantive examination will be conducted to ensure the trademark is distinctive and not in conflict with existing trademarks.
  • Objections or Clarifications: If there are any objections or requests for clarification, the applicant will be notified. You may need to respond with additional information or modifications.

5. Publication in the Trademarks Journal

  • Gazette Publication: If the application passes the examination, the trademark will be published in the Trademarks Journal for opposition purposes.
  • Opposition Period: There is a statutory period (typically 60 days) during which third parties can file an opposition against the trademark registration.

6. Handling Oppositions

  • Opposition Response: If an opposition is filed, you will need to respond and defend your trademark application. This may involve submitting additional evidence or attending hearings.
  • Decision on Opposition: The DPDT will make a decision based on the evidence and arguments presented.

7. Registration and Issuance of Certificate

  • No Opposition or Successful Defense: If no opposition is filed, or if you successfully defend against an opposition, the trademark will be registered.
  • Certificate Issuance: The DPDT will issue a Certificate of Registration, officially granting you the trademark rights.

8. Post-Registration

  • Renewal: Trademarks in Bangladesh are valid for 7 years from the date of application and can be renewed indefinitely for subsequent periods of 10 years.
  • Use and Maintenance: Ensure continuous use of the trademark to maintain its validity and protect it from cancellation due to non-use.

Obtaining an explosives license in Bangladesh involves a process governed by the Explosives Act, 1884, and its associated rules. Here’s a general outline of the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Understand the Requirements

  1. Eligibility: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria, which may include being a citizen of Bangladesh and meeting age and background requirements.
  2. Purpose:Determine the specific purpose for which you need the license (e.g., mining, construction, fireworks).

Step 2: Prepare the Necessary Documents

  1. Application Form: Obtain the appropriate application form from the Chief Inspector of Explosives or the Ministry of Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources.
  2. Identification: Provide valid identification documents, such as a National ID card or passport.
  3. Business Registration: If applying on behalf of a business, provide proof of business registration.
  4. Site Plan: Submit a detailed site plan where explosives will be stored or used, ensuring it meets safety regulations.
  5. Safety Measures: Outline the safety measures and protocols that will be in place.
  6. No Objection Certificate (NOC): Obtain an NOC from relevant local authorities or departments.

Step 3: Submit the Application

  1. Submission: Submit the completed application form along with all required documents to the Office of the Chief Inspector of Explosives.
  2. Fees: Pay the prescribed application fees. Ensure you get a receipt for this payment.

Step 4: Inspection and Verification

  1. Site Inspection:Authorities will conduct a site inspection to verify the safety and suitability of the location for storing or using explosives.
  2. Verification: Your application and documents will be verified by relevant authorities.

Step 5: Approval and Issuance

  1. Approval: If everything is in order and you meet all the requirements, your application will be approved.
  2. License Issuance: The explosives license will be issued, detailing the terms and conditions under which you can possess and use explosives.

Step 6: Compliance and Renewal

  1. Compliance: Ensure ongoing compliance with all safety regulations and reporting requirements.
  2. Renewal: Licenses typically need to be renewed periodically. Make sure to apply for renewal before the current license expires, following the same procedure as the initial application.

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