Sample Business Plan

Wpfreeware 6:49 AM Sample Business Plan

Starting a business in Bangladesh involves several steps, including planning, registration, and compliance with local regulations. Here is a comprehensive guide to creating a business plan and the necessary steps to start a business in Bangladesh:

1. Business Plan Development

A robust business plan is crucial for outlining your business idea and attracting investors or securing loans. Here are the key components:

Executive Summary

  • Overview of the business concept.
  • Mission statement.
  • Summary of the product/service offerings.
  • Financial highlights.
  • Business goals.

Business Description

  • Detailed description of the business.
  • Market need and solution provided.
  • Unique selling proposition (USP).

Market Analysis

  • Industry analysis.
  • Target market and customer segmentation.
  • Competitive analysis.
  • Market trends and growth potential.

Organization and Management

  • Business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, limited company).
  • Organizational chart.
  • Profiles of the management team and key employees.

Products or Services

  • Description of products or services offered.
  • Benefits to customers.
  • Product lifecycle.
  • Research and development (if applicable).

Marketing and Sales Strategy

  • Marketing plan.
  • Sales strategy.
  • Pricing model.
  • Distribution channels.

Financial Projections

  • Income statement.
  • Cash flow statement.
  • Balance sheet.
  • Break-even analysis.
  • Funding requirements and use of funds.


  • Resumes of the management team.
  • Product images.
  • Additional market research data.

2. Business Registration and Licensing

Choose a Business Structure

  • Sole Proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Private Limited Company (Ltd)
  • Public Limited Company (PLC)

Register the Business

  1. Name Clearance: Obtain name clearance from the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC).
  2. Draft Documents: Prepare the Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Articles of Association (AoA).
  3. File with RJSC: Submit the necessary documents, including MoA, AoA, and Form I (Declaration on Registration).
  4. Obtain Certificate of Incorporation: Once approved, you will receive the Certificate of Incorporation.

Trade License

  • Apply for a trade license from the local City Corporation or Municipality.

Tax Identification Number (TIN)

  • Obtain a TIN from the National Board of Revenue (NBR).

Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration

  • If applicable, register for VAT with the NBR.

Other Licenses and Permits

  • Depending on the industry, additional licenses or permits may be required (e.g., environmental clearance, industry-specific permits).

3. Setting Up Operations

Open a Business Bank Account

  • Open a corporate bank account to handle business transactions.

Set Up Office Space

  • Choose a suitable location for your business operations.
  • Obtain necessary office equipment and supplies.

Hire Employees

  • Recruit and hire employees.
  • Comply with labor laws and regulations.

Develop IT Infrastructure

  • Set up the necessary IT infrastructure, including computers, software, and internet connectivity.

4. Marketing and Launch


  • Develop a brand identity (logo, business cards, website).

Marketing Campaigns

  • Plan and execute marketing campaigns to promote your business.

Launch Event

  • Organize a launch event to introduce your business to potential customers and stakeholders.

5. Compliance and Ongoing Management

Accounting and Bookkeeping

  • Implement an accounting system to track finances.
  • Ensure regular financial reporting and audits.

Legal Compliance

  • Stay compliant with local laws and regulations.
  • File annual returns and tax documents.

Continuous Improvement

  • Monitor business performance.
  • Adjust strategies based on market feedback and performance metrics.

By following these steps, you can establish a solid foundation for your business in Bangladesh and navigate the regulatory landscape effectively.

Click here for a Sample Business Plan Format

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