Designing Industrial Building

Wpfreeware 6:49 AM Designing Industrial Building

The modern revolution in science and technology, with its constant progress in the construction of industrial buildings and improved construction technology, has resulted in an increase in the number of enterprises that do not pollute the environment.

Our consultancy services encompass the following

 (A) Interaction meetings with the Client and the architect;  

Interactions meetings with the architect and the client for any discussion to finalize design drawings;

(B) Foundation Design-Drawings;  

B.1 Detail design of foundation on the basis of sub-soil investigation report(s) and the design loads obtained from structural analysis;

B.2 Foundation layout plan showing column position and outer boundary;

B.3 Detailed plan, sections showing the proper position of reinforcement.

 (C) Structural Design-Drawings;  

C1. Structural Analysis

C1.1 Taking the gravity and lateral loads specified in StructureBuilding Codes such as Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC), analysis are carried out for conceptual structural design for fixing the sizes of columns, structural walls;

C1.2 After finalizing the conceptual design, sophisticated analysis are carried out to obtain design loads taking the worst condition and probability into considerations.

C2. Structural Design

C2.1 On the basis of design loads and sophisticated structural analysis results, the structural working drawings will be prepared employing safe but economical design method to meet the requirements of “Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC)”;

C2.2 Structural drawings will be prepared taking safety, serviceability, and applicability aspects of the projects into considerations;Structre 2

C2.3 Preparing structural details for making the structures earthquake resistant;

C2.4 Section and adequate details of all of the R.C.C. members with necessary reinforcement details;

C2.5 Specification of construction materials to meet design requirements;

C2.6 Layout plan of column and foundation of the Building including location of UGWR and OHWR;

C2.7 Preparation and supply of beam layout plan and slab outline plan showing the position of reinforcement;

C2.8 Details of design by taking into consideration with different factors to meet Bangladesh Building Design Code.

C3. Design Criteria and Material Specifications

C3.1 Clarify and mention the design criteria of the structures;

C3.2 Brief description of different type of loads and their combinations used in the structural analysis;

C3.3 Detail description of the concrete strength and reinforcing steel to be used in different members and stages of construction.

(D) Sanitary & Plumbing System Design-Drawings;  

D1.1 Detail design of drinking water supply system including design of the pumping process and water storage in underground and overhead reservoir;

D1.2 Detail design of waste water and rain water disposal system including selection of location, size of rain water pipe, design of waste water piping system including size of pit, dia of pipe, slope etc.;Plumbing

D1.3 Preparing the lay-out and sectional drawings of waste water, soil pipe, rain water pipe, supply water piping system;

D1.4 Detail design of joint, bending, pressure valve and others.

(E) Electrical Design-Drawings;  

E1.1 Complete layout plan of concealed piping work with switch, socket, light, fan, and all other necessary fittings as per requirements;

E1.2 Location and layout of SDB, MDB etc.;Electrical

E1.3 Design size of the wire, ECC and balance load distribution as per requirement;

E1.4 Selection of location of earthling point for the building;

E1.5 Selection of suitable location of substation and Generator room

 (F) Fire Fighting System Design-Drawings;  

F1.1 Advise the architects in placing the stairs as per requirements of Fire Service Department;

F1.2 Detail design for fire detecting system to detect the fire in case of open fire anywhere in the building;

F1.3 Preparing the specification for the designed fire detecting system;Fire Fighting

F1.4 Detail Design of fire protection system so that the opened fire (if occurred) can be controlled within a specified time;

F1.5 Detail lay-out plan of fire hydrant system;

F1.6 Advise the Architect in fixing the capacity and location of Under Ground and Overhead Reservoir;

 (G) Preparation of BOQ;  

Preparation of Bill of Quantities (BOQ) on Architectural drawings and structural design drawings and estimated cost on the basis of PWD Rate Schedule 2014 and current market price.

Approving an industrial building layout in Bangladesh involves several steps and coordination with various governmental authorities to ensure compliance with regulatory, safety, and environmental standards. Here is a detailed guide on how to navigate this process:

1.Prepare Necessary Documents and Plans:

Before applying for approval, gather the necessary documents and prepare detailed plans. Key documents typically include:

  • Detailed site plan and building layout
  • Architectural drawings
  • Structural drawings
  • Land ownership documents or lease agreement
  • Land Clearance
  • Environmental clearance certificate (if applicable)
  • Fire safety plan
  • Utility connection plans (water, electricity, sewage)
2. Consult Local Authorities:

Identify the relevant local authorities responsible for approving industrial building layouts. These authorities typically include:

  • Local City Corporation or Municipality: For general building approval and land use compliance.
  • Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK): If the project is within the Dhaka metropolitan area.
  • Department of Environment (DoE): For environmental clearance.
  • Fire Service and Civil Defense (FSCD): For fire safety approval.
  • Public Works Department (PWD): For certain types of buildings, particularly those involving public funds or larger infrastructures.
3. Submit the Application:

Submit your application along with the required documents to the relevant local authority. Ensure that you include:

  • Completed application form (available from the local authority's office or website)
  • Copies of all prepared plans and documents
  • Proof of payment of applicable fees
4. Review and Preliminary Approval:

The local authority will review the submitted documents to ensure compliance with zoning laws, building codes, and land use regulations. This review process may involve:

  • Zoning Clearance: Ensuring the proposed use of the land is consistent with zoning regulations.
  • Site Inspection: Physical inspection of the site by the local authority to verify the details provided in the application.
5. Specialized Approvals:

Depending on the nature and location of your industrial building, you may need to seek additional approvals from specialized agencies:

  • Environmental Clearance: From the Department of Environment (DoE) if the project impacts the environment.
  • Fire Safety Approval: From the Fire Service and Civil Defense (FSCD) to ensure compliance with fire safety standards.
  • Utility Connections: Approvals for water, electricity, and sewage connections from respective utility providers.
6.Detailed Plan Examination:

The local authority, often in conjunction with other relevant agencies, will conduct a detailed examination of the architectural and structural plans. This step ensures that the proposed building meets all safety, health, and structural integrity standards.

7. Approval and Issuance of Building Permit:

Once all reviews and inspections are satisfactorily completed, the local authority will grant approval and issue a building permit. The permit allows you to proceed with the construction of the industrial building. The permit will include:

  • Conditions and requirements that must be adhered to during construction
  • Validity period of the permit
8. Compliance During Construction:

Ensure ongoing compliance with the conditions set forth in the building permit during the construction phase. This may involve periodic inspections by local authorities to verify adherence to approved plans and standards.

9. Final Inspection and Occupancy Certificate:

Upon completion of construction, request a final inspection from the local authority. If the building complies with all approved plans and conditions, you will be issued an Occupancy Certificate, allowing you to use the building for industrial purposes.

Visit website of below authorities to learn more
  1. Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
  2. Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK)
  3. Public Works Department (PWD):

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is one of the most widely used green building rating systems in the world. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), it provides a framework for healthy, efficient, and cost-saving green buildings. LEED certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement and leadership.

Key Components of LEED Certification:

  1. Sustainable Sites (SS):

    • Focuses on the location of the building and how it interacts with the local ecosystem.
    • Encourages minimizing impact on the environment, reducing pollution, and promoting biodiversity.
  2. Water Efficiency (WE):

    • Aims to reduce water consumption through efficient plumbing fixtures, irrigation systems, and water reuse strategies.
    • Encourages water conservation and innovative wastewater technologies.
  3. Energy and Atmosphere (EA):

    • Emphasizes the importance of energy-efficient design and renewable energy sources.
    • Encourages reduction in energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and reliance on non-renewable energy.
  4. Materials and Resources (MR):

    • Focuses on the use of sustainable building materials and reducing waste.
    • Encourages the use of recycled and regionally sourced materials, and promotes waste management practices.
  5. Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ):

    • Prioritizes creating a healthy and comfortable indoor environment.
    • Encourages good indoor air quality, access to natural daylight, and views, and using low-emitting materials.
  6. Location and Transportation (LT):

    • Considers the building’s accessibility and connection to transportation options.
    • Encourages development in locations that reduce the need for car travel and promote alternative transportation.
  7. Innovation (IN):

    • Recognizes innovative building features and practices that go beyond standard LEED requirements.
    • Encourages creative solutions and sustainable practices.
  8. Regional Priority (RP):

    • Addresses regional environmental priorities.
    • Offers additional points for strategies that address specific regional concerns.

Levels of LEED Certification:

  1. Certified:

    • Basic level of certification, requiring 40-49 points.
  2. Silver:

    • Intermediate level, requiring 50-59 points.
  3. Gold:

    • Advanced level, requiring 60-79 points.
  4. Platinum:

    • Highest level of certification, requiring 80+ points.

Benefits of LEED Certification:

  • Environmental Impact:

    • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts.
    • Promotes sustainable land use and biodiversity.
  • Economic Savings:

    • Reduces operating costs through energy and water savings.
    • Increases property value and attracts tenants.
  • Health and Well-being:

    • Improves indoor air quality and occupant comfort.
    • Enhances productivity and overall health.
  • Marketability:

    • Demonstrates a commitment to sustainability.
    • Differentiates buildings in the market.

Steps to Achieve LEED Certification:

  1. Register the Project:

    • Begin by registering the project with the USGBC.
  2. Plan and Design:

    • Integrate LEED requirements into the building’s design and planning process.
  3. Construction:

    • Implement sustainable building practices during construction.
  4. Documentation and Submission:

    • Collect and submit documentation proving compliance with LEED criteria.
  5. Review and Certification:

    • USGBC reviews the submission and assigns a certification level based on the points earned.

LEED certification is a powerful tool for promoting sustainable building practices, reducing environmental impact, and creating healthier living and working environments.

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