Export Diversification Steps -- Highest Priority and Special Development Industrial Sectors

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Export diversification is crucial for Bangladesh to enhance economic resilience, reduce dependency on a narrow range of exports, and ensure sustainable growth. Here are some strategic steps that Bangladesh can take to diversify its export base:

1. Enhancing the Quality and Variety of Garments

Expanding Product Range: Bangladesh can focus on producing higher-value garments, such as technical textiles, athleisure wear, and luxury clothing. This includes investing in research and development (R&D) to innovate in fabric and design.

Improving Standards: Emphasizing quality control and adhering to international standards can open up new markets. Implementing certifications such as OEKO-TEX and ISO standards will help attract more discerning customers.

2. Developing Other Manufacturing Sectors

Pharmaceuticals: Investing in the pharmaceutical industry can leverage Bangladesh's existing capacity to produce generic drugs. Encouraging R&D and obtaining international certifications will help in accessing global markets.

Electronics and ICT: Bangladesh can invest in the assembly and manufacturing of electronic goods, such as smartphones and consumer electronics. Developing an ICT sector for software and IT services export can also be beneficial.

3. Boosting Agro-based and Food Processing Industries

Agri-exports: Improving agricultural productivity through modern techniques and diversifying crops can increase exports of fruits, vegetables, and processed foods. Focus on organic and value-added products like ready-to-eat meals.

Fisheries and Aquaculture: Investing in sustainable aquaculture can increase exports of fish and seafood. Ensuring compliance with international health and safety standards will help in penetrating new markets.

4. Encouraging Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Financial Support: Providing SMEs with easier access to credit and financial services will help them innovate and expand. Government incentives and subsidies can be crucial in this regard.

Market Access: Helping SMEs gain access to international markets through trade fairs, export subsidies, and e-commerce platforms can broaden their reach.

5. Improving Infrastructure

Logistics and Transport: Developing efficient logistics and transportation networks, including ports, roads, and railways, will reduce costs and improve the competitiveness of Bangladeshi products.

Energy Supply: Ensuring a stable and affordable energy supply is critical for manufacturing sectors. Investing in renewable energy sources can provide long-term sustainability.

6. Trade Policies and Agreements

Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements: Engaging in trade agreements that provide preferential access to new markets can boost exports. Bangladesh should leverage its Least Developed Country (LDC) status to secure favorable terms.

Trade Facilitation: Simplifying customs procedures and reducing bureaucratic red tape will make it easier for exporters to ship products internationally.

7. Skill Development and Education

Training Programs: Establishing vocational training and education programs tailored to the needs of emerging sectors will create a skilled workforce ready to meet the demands of diversified industries.

Higher Education: Enhancing higher education in engineering, technology, and management will provide the necessary talent for high-tech and value-added industries.

8. Promoting Innovation and Technology

R&D Investment: Encouraging both public and private investment in R&D can lead to product innovation and improved manufacturing processes.

Technology Adoption: Facilitating the adoption of advanced technologies, such as automation and AI, can increase efficiency and product quality across various sectors.

9. Enhancing Branding and Marketing

Global Branding: Developing a strong national brand that emphasizes quality and sustainability can make Bangladeshi products more attractive to international buyers.

Market Research: Conducting market research to understand global trends and consumer preferences will help businesses tailor their products to meet international demand.

10. Environmental Sustainability

Sustainable Practices: Adopting environmentally sustainable practices can open up markets in regions with stringent environmental regulations. This includes minimizing carbon footprints and ensuring sustainable resource use.

By taking these steps, Bangladesh can create a more resilient and diversified export base, reducing its reliance on the garment sector and fostering sustainable economic growth.

Some products sectors will be identified as “highest priority sectors” while some others will be identified as “special development sectors” depending on the level of production and supply, potential contribution to the export sector, demand in the international market and above all the capacity to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country. The government will regularly modify this list, and provide special privileges to encourage the export of these products.

Highest priority sectors will refer to those sectors which have special export potentials, but such potentials could not be utilized properly due to certain constraints, and more success is attainable if adequate support is rendered to them. The sectors are:

List of Highest Priority Sectors

  1. High Value Added Readymade Garment, Denim
  2. Man Made Fibre
  3. Garment Accessories
  4. Pharmaceutical products
  5. Plastic products
  6. Footwear (leather, non-leather and synthetic) and Leather products
  7. Jute products
  8. Agro-Products & Agro-Processed products
  9. Light engineering products (including Auto –parts, Bicycle, Motor cycle, Battery)
  10. Ship & Ocean going fishing trawler
  11. Furniture
  12. Home Textile, Home Decor & Terry Towel
  13. Luggage
  14. Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) and Laboratory Reagents.

Benefits and Facilities to be provided to the Highest Priority Sectors

  • Project loans at reduced interest rates on a priority basis;
  • Income Tax rebate;
  • Possible financial benefits or subsidies consistent with WTO Agreement on Agriculture, and Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, including concessionary rates for utility services such as electricity, water and gas;
  • Providing export loans at lower interest rates and on soft terms;
  • Air transport facilities at concessionary rates ;
  • Duty draw-back/ bond facilities;
  • Facilities for setting up backward linkage industries including infrastructural development for reducing cost of production ;
  • Expansion of institutional and technical facilities to improve and control quality of products;
  • Assistance in production and marketing;
  • Assistance in exploring foreign market; and
  • Necessary initiatives to attract foreign investments.

Product sectors which have export potentials but whose production, supply and export base are not consolidated will be included in special development sectors to strengthen their export base. The following product sectors will be included in the special development sectors:

List of Special Development Sectors

  1. Electric & Electronic products
  2. Ceramic products
  3. Value added frozen fish
  4. Printing and packaging
  5. Rough Diamond & Jewelry
  6. Paper & paper products
  7. Rubber & Rubber related Products
  8. Silk products
  9. Handicrafts
  10. Handloom products including Lungi
  11. Photo Voltaic Module (Solar energy)
  12. Cashew nut (Raw and Roasted);
  13. Live and Processed Crab
  14. Toys
  15. Agar
  16. Halal Fashions (Hijab, Borkha)
  17. Halal Food Products
  18. Recycle Products
  19. Medical and Personal Protective Euipments MPPE

Benefits and Facilities to be provided to the Special Development Sectors

  • Project loans at comparatively low rate of interest on a priority basis;
  • Consideration for export loans on soft terms and at reduced interest rates;
  • Provides ubsidies in consistence with WTO Agreement on Agriculture, and Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures;
  • Shipment of products at reduced air fare;
  • Duty draw-back/ bond facilities;
  • Give priority in getting utility services such as electricity, gas, telephone for setting up backward linkage industries including infrastructural development to reduce production cost;
  • Expansion of technical facilities to improve the quality of products;
  • Assistance in production and marketing;
  • Assistance in exploring foreign market; and
  • Possible financial benefits for utility services such as electricity, water and gas; and
  • Necessary initiatives to attract foreign investments.

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