Industrial Energy Efficiency Finance Program: ADB

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The Industrial Energy Efficiency Finance Program (IEEFP)

The Finance Program (IEEFP) in Bangladesh, supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), aims to promote energy efficiency in the country's industrial sector. This initiative is critical given the significant untapped potential for energy savings in industries such as textiles, garments, steel, and cement.

Key Components of the Program

  1. Funding and Support: The program provides financial assistance to industries for implementing energy-efficient technologies. This includes concessional loans and technical assistance to help industries identify and adopt best practices in energy efficiency.
  2. Capacity Building: A major component involves building the capacity of local financial institutions and energy service companies (ESCOs) to evaluate and finance energy efficiency projects. This is essential to create a sustainable market for energy efficiency investments​ (Asian Development Bank).
  3. Mandatory Energy Audits: Mandatory Energy Audits: The recent revision of Bangladesh’s energy efficiency and conservation rules has introduced mandatory energy audits for industries. This ensures regular monitoring and continuous improvement in energy management practices​ (The Business Standard)​.

Benefits and Impact

  1. Economic Savings: Energy efficiency measures can lead to significant cost savings. For instance, a 20% improvement in industrial gas efficiency alone could save around 73.4 billion cubic feet of liquefied natural gas annually, reducing the country's energy import bill substantially​ The Business Standard).
  2. Environmental Benefits: By reducing energy consumption, the program helps lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to Bangladesh’s climate goals and enhancing its industrial sector's competitiveness in the global market​ (The Business Standard) . (Asian Development Bank) .
  3. Job Creation: The adoption of energy-efficient technologies is expected to create new job opportunities in technical and financial sectors, fostering economic growth and development​ (Asian Development Bank) .


Despite its potential, the program faces several challenges, including limited awareness and expertise in energy efficiency within local industries, fluctuating energy prices, and the initial capital costs associated with implementing advanced technologies​ (The Business Standard).

Future Prospects

The IEEFP aims to expand its reach by integrating more industries and enhancing the regulatory framework to support energy efficiency. Ongoing support from international organizations like the ADB and continuous capacity building efforts are crucial for the program's success and sustainability (Asian Development Bank).

Overall, the Industrial Energy Efficiency Finance Program represents a significant step towards a more sustainable and economically resilient industrial sector in Bangladesh.

For more related information visit:

  1. Report: Bangladesh: Industrial Energy Efficiency Finance Program by ADB
  2. News: The Business Standard

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